Stories retold

Pass on your family legacy

Stories Retold honors your loved ones and passes on a family legacy so that later generations never forget from where they came and who they are.

Through Stories Retold, Scott sits down with your chosen family member to capture their legacy with stunning visual storytelling.

Stories Retold brings dignity and honor to those who share their stories while providing family members with a beautiful gift to cherish.

Capture the sound of a loved one’s voice, and the twinkle in their eye, as they reminisce on life’s journey. Stories Retold is a gift you’ll treasure.

Call or email Scott to learn how Stories Retold can help your family claim its visual inheritance.

Marcia Cook

"Always treat people the way you would like to be treated and always remember where you came from and who you are!" - Marcia Cook

Lavern broughton

"I was married to her for 65 years and never heard her ever say anything bad about anyone”.

Meet my wife's Grandpa, LaVern. I had the privilege to spend some time listening to his stories and filming some tender moments as we ventured around Traverse City. Sit back, grab a coffee or tea and enjoy a moment with LaVern.